
Golf Etiquette

  1. Replace all your divots and rake bunkers, (leave rakes inside the bunker).
  2. Repair all your ball marks on the green.
  3. Play without delay. Keep-up with the group in front at all times.
  4. No player should play until the players in front are out of range.
  5. Avoid shouting or yelling on the golf course.
  6. Dispose of all litter and empty cans in the litter bins provided on the golf course.
  7. Sharing of golf equipment between two or more players on the golf course is strictly prohibited.
  8. Drive carefully and observe all signs.
  9. Report to the starter at least 5 minutes before your tee time. Your tee time will be forfeited if you are not ready to tee off on time.
  10. Please keep trolleys AT LEAST 10 METERS AWAY FROM ALL GREENS AND TEES.
  11. Use all bells and/or periscopes installed on the golf course for the safety of all players.
  12. Play ready golf.
  13. Shout fore if your ball might endanger anyone. Apologize should you endanger any other play.